JH Lunch Checkout for Week ending Dec 17th https://forms.gle/8gR9qGDtLQYenv8L9
about 3 years ago, Melissa Meints
Please use this link to tune into our JH & HS Winter Concert for tonight, at 7:00 pm! https://youtu.be/1IJaAxZP_a4
about 3 years ago, Melissa Meints
JH & HS Winter Concert
Yesterday was the first day in over a month in which we did not have any reports of a positive case of Covid-19 affecting our students or staff. Thank you to all of our parents, students, and staff who have been extra diligent in trying to keep themselves and others healthy and safe. With our new site, you can find the weekly wellness numbers under the "Documents" tab and then under "Welcome to Lexington School District." #LEXGO MINUTEMEN
about 3 years ago, Paul T. Deters, Superintendent
It was a wonderful evening spent with our elementary students singing all of the best Holiday songs. THIS has been missed and we are all so glad it is back!
about 3 years ago, Paul T. Deters, Superintendent
Elementary Winter Concert
Mini Minutemen Cheerleading Camp is back!! The LHS Cheerleaders will be holding their cheer clinic on Monday, January 3rd and 4th for PreK-5th grade. See the attached flyer and form . Return your form and payment to the school office by Friday, Dec 17th.
about 3 years ago, Melissa Meints
Mini Minutemen Cheer Camp
Mini Mintuemen Cheer Camp Form
Please use this link to tune in to our elementary winter concert tonight! https://youtu.be/RIsFuIbY7uw
about 3 years ago, Julie Strating
Minuteman in Santa hat with text saying Lexington Elementary School Winter Concert 6:30 PM
Eastern Illinois Foodbank Hosting "Foodmobile" in Farmer City
about 3 years ago, Lexington CUSD - Elementary School
Eastern Illinois Foodbank Foodmobile Flyer
HS Boys Basketball Team Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
about 3 years ago, Melissa Meints
BBall Spagetti dinner
Elementary students enjoyed an extra special lunch surprise today. Our PTO organized the annual Manners Luncheon to reinforce our monthly character traits. Students dined at decorated tables and had a special treat for dessert. Thank you, PTO!
about 3 years ago, Julie Strating
kindergarten students at lunch tables smiling
Mark your calendars! Upcoming Events.... Please join us for some festive holiday music performed by our very own students! Elementary Winter Concert- Thursday, Dec 9th 6:30 pm JH/HS Winter Concert- Friday, Dec 10th 7:00 pm
about 3 years ago, Melissa Meints
Welcome to our new website! We hope that our families, our students, and our staff find this site to be an informative and effective tool for Lexington CUSD #7. #LEXGO Minutemen
about 3 years ago, Paul T. Deters, Superintendent
Homecoming 2021 Pep Assembly!
about 3 years ago, Jennifer McCoy
Students sitting and standing in the Quad