Lexington #7 Community, I am sorry to have to interrupt your weekend with the sad news that the Ridgeview School District is grieving a tragic car accident that resulted in a student death yesterday afternoon. The relationship that our school has with Ridgeview and its students and staff has become so strong as a result of our coop, that many of their students fee like ours and vice versa. As a district, we will offer support and aide to our Mustang neighbors in any way that we can. In addition, we might expect our own students and staff to struggle with the emotions of this tragedy as well. For any Lexington student or staff member who needs support in dealing with this tragedy, counseling and support will be available tomorrow upon request. Lastly, we ask that you please consider wearing Mustang school colors (navy, silver, gray, white) tomorrow to show support and to keep the Ridgeview community in your thoughts and prayers. Paul T. Deters, Superintendent
10 months ago, Paul T. Deters, Superintendent
The high school Photography class took their film to ISU's darkroom to make enlargements today!
10 months ago, Melissa Meints
Art class
Lexington Apparel Option!! Please use the following link to order Lexington apparel: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/HOLIDAY882 **Please note, this is an online store only. Items are set to ship directly to your home. Hurry, the store closes on Nov. 6!
10 months ago, Isaac Steidinger
The High School Volleyball Regional Championship game is streaming under the title "Middle School Girls Basketball". Additionally, the actual middle school girls basketball game that was supposed to be streaming in Gym 2 will not air tonight. We aren't sure what caused this to happen and apologize for the technical difficulty.
10 months ago, Isaac Steidinger
On to the Regional Championship! Last night, the Lexington Minutemen defeated the Cornerstone Cyclones 25-17, 25-21. They will face the Milford Bearcats tonight in the Regional Championship game here at Lexington! We hope to see you there!
10 months ago, Isaac Steidinger
Lexington #7 is blessed to have these wonderful folks step up, fill in, and provide everything from teaching lessons, taking calls, washing dishes, and pushing brooms. These folks exemplify what it looks like to be a Minuteman; READY IN A MINUTE'S NOTICE to fill in as substitutes when we are in need: Rick Baker, Ashley Chapman, Davett Coffman, Saige Cramer, Christine Doll, Missy Donahue, Rachel Frank, Katie Golliday, Jackie Kaiser, Scott Kaiser, Aden Laible, Jan Miles, Pam Sinnett, Connie Stanfield, Shelley Steffen, Hannah Strong, Nann Wagner, Dawn Wasson, and Lisa Wilson. We are so very thankful for each of you and all that you do to allow us to keep our school running and our students learning! The next time you see them out in the community, please let them know that they are appreciated! As we prepare to head into the "flu season," Lexington #7 is looking to add to our substitute pool (teacher, paraprofessional, custodial, administrative assistant, school nurse, food service) to make sure we are able to fill our positions when our staff is not well. For anyone is interested in learning about how to become a substitute for any position for Lexington #7, please reach out and let us answer any questions you might have @ 309-365-4141.
10 months ago, Paul T. Deters, Superintendent
We are aware that the scoreboard "banner" on our Auxiliary Gym NFHS feeds is currently not working. Unfortunately, the issue will not be repaired before tonight's volleyball games. We apologize for this inconvenience.
11 months ago, Isaac Steidinger
Lexington Community-- This Friday, October 13th, Lexington Schools will be undergoing a district reunification drill with our staff and students. A reunification drill is a safety drill that we practice in the event that students/staff would need to evacuate our school campus in the event of an emergency. With the assistance of Lexington Police Department, Lexington Fire Department, and Lexington EMS, we will be performing this drill from approximately 1:00-3:00 pm. The purpose of this message is to inform the community ahead of time to prevent panic and concern AND to request that our community avoid utilizing Pine Street from these times, if possible. Thank you for any and all assistance in keeping our students and staff safe.
11 months ago, Paul T. Deters, Superintendent
Parents-Unclaimed items on the elementary lost and found table will be donated to charity at the end of this week. If you see something that belongs to your child, please contact his/her teacher to help get it to your child. Thank you!
11 months ago, Julie Strating
table with sweatshirts
Our 6th grade class recently took a field trip to the amazing Evergreen Cemetery Walk located in Bloomington, IL. On this trip, the students learned about historical voices that were acted out. Each actor would tell the story of the person they represented and their hardships as well as successes. One of the historical individuals was one of Lexington's own, Paul Mills Rhymer. Rhymer was a Bloomington High School graduate in 1964 and was considered one of the great writers of the 1930's. Rhymer is buried in the Lexington Cemetery. It was a beautiful day and the students learned so much!
11 months ago, Melissa Meints
6th grade class
6th grade 1
6th grade 3
6th grade 4
On behalf of the students and staff at Lexington CUSD #7, we want to say CONGRATULATIONS to Kim Taylor on her retirement earlier this week. Ms. Kim started her career at LHS on Oct. 2, 1990 and stepped down on Oct. 2, 2023 after 33 years of taking care of and cleaning up after 1000's of students and faculty members. Your attention to detail and standard for excellence was a great example for all of us in our district. We will miss you greatly and wish you a relaxing and enjoyable retirement!
11 months ago, Paul T. Deters, Superintendent
Please see the attached flyer for details on the 2023 Edition of the Lexington Men's Basketball Alumni Game!! Saturday Nov. 11, from 4-7 PM. Don't miss out on the fun!
11 months ago, Isaac Steidinger
2023 Alumni Game
It's Wear Whatever Wednesday in PreK today!
11 months ago, Julie Strating
kids in outfits
Thank you to the Lexington Fire Association for the purchase of an AED to be stored in our school nurse's office. We now have 6 AEDs placed throughout the district. We appreciate your generous donation!
11 months ago, Julie Strating
nurse and EMT with AED
October Lunch Menus
11 months ago, Nikki Elmore
Elementary Lunch Menu
Jr High/High School Lunch Menu
Congratulations to our 2023 fire poster contest winners! Thank you to the Lexington Fire Department for providing this opportunity for students to learn about fire safety and earn a cool reward with a fire truck ride during the Homecoming parade.
11 months ago, Julie Strating
students by fire truck
Way to go LHS Student Council on an amazing HOCO week! Lots of hard work and memories made. A shout out to Connie Stanfield and Mike Rich for volunteering their morning to help decorate for the dance and another shout out to our STUCO advisors, Rita Grunloh and Kelley Kinsella on your hard work and dedication to our school.
11 months ago, Melissa Meints
2023 STUCO
2023 LHS Homecoming Parade Route at 2:00 pm
11 months ago, Melissa Meints
HOCO Parade Rt
Tonight's HS Homecoming Spirit Night has been moved to the Gym at the school due to the rainy weather. It will start around 8:00-8:30 pm, after the Volleyball team and Freshman Football team arrive back to Lexington after those games, which are both located at Ridgeview. * All are welcome to attend, but ONLY LHS students will be allowed to enter the “inner circle”. Please be mindful of the designated areas for spectators.
12 months ago, Melissa Meints
Spirit Night
ATTENTION: Freshman Football Location change!! Due to playing/parking conditions at Lexington, the freshman football game schedule for tonight, 9/21/23 at Lexington has been moved to Ridgeview (Colfax). Kickoff at 6:00 pm
12 months ago, Melissa Meints